About us

MoneyGator has been around the block for a while, so we know how the economy has evolved, personal finances included. Our journey started back in 2012 and we remain passionate about personal finance. Our money philosophy revolves around budgeting, cutting our spending, and maximizing our savings.

money management tips

We love helping people and enjoy working with finances. We run this blog purely to help others and do it completely for free.

This site is designed to help people with their money. The level of savings in the United States is horrible, and we have a student loan crisis and retirement crisis that needs to be dealt with.

Here are some statistics thatโ€™ll illustrate this point:

  • Only one-third of Americans keep a monthly budget
  • Almost 70% of Americans would struggle with a $1000 emergency
  • Total household debt is over $4 Trillion
  • The current savings rate is 5.6%
  • 35% of people have at least one credit card or loan in collections
  • Median retirement savings for working families is only $5,000

We want to help people to become better at managing their finances. This will be done by want educating people and improve their understanding of personal finance.

We have a segment on the blog where we provide ways to save money, make money, and grow money. This provides a different perspective to help people relate and learn.

Check out our top posts to get started:

Make Money:

How To Make $800 Dollars Fast

Best Money Making Apps

Grow Money:

Buying an Investing Property

How to Make Money with Junk Bonds

How to Start Trading Forex

Smart Money:

Millennial Money Management Tips

What Credit Score is Needed to Buy a House?

15 Things You Didnโ€™t Realize You Could Do to Pay off Debt

If you have any questions or comments, please donโ€™t hesitate to contact us.

Want to send us an email?

Whether you have a comment or suggestion to share, we look forward to hearing from you.

    Keep in touch, donโ€™t be a stranger!

    We hope you get a lot out of this page, and if you have more questions or need extra help, please let me know. We look forward to learning and growing with you.

    Thanks for reading!

    — Money Gator Team